A small problem will always continue until someone finds a solution to it. Covid-19 started as a small problem and it will not stop spreading until scientists find a vaccine to treat it.
Covid-19, which is also known as the Corona Virus Disease in 2019, first started in China. Covid-19 had spread a lot throughout the world since it started. It started spreading through the person’s cough, breath, and sneeze droplets. A person usually gets Covid when they do not maintain a 6 foot distance from another person. It can also spread through surfaces as the Covid droplets can remain on surfaces for a very long time. The symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, breathing problem, headache, sore throat, nausea, loss of smell and loss of taste. Doctors suggest that the people with Covid symptoms should get a Covid test.
Many doctors have come to the conclusion that Covid 19 can be prevented from spreading when people take precautionary measures. Some ways of preventing Covid-19 from spreading are by wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining social distancing, staying in quarantine, and covering your nose. Wearing masks can cover your nose and mouth. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds can destroy your germs. Maintaining social distancing can keep you away from the people. Staying in quarantine can help you stay away from the sick people. Covering your nose can cover your sneeze with tissue and then throw the tissue away in the trash.
Many people are living in quarantine today as they do not want to put themselves or others in risk of getting covid. Many people are bored in their quarantine as they cannot travel to different places. They are also bored with their virtual schools as they cannot socialize and meet their friends. People are also tired with their regular routine as they cannot go outside for vacation. They are also not able to visit public places such as malls, restaurants, hotels and parks due to the fear of getting covid. Many people were not able to spend their quarantine happily.
In conclusion, there are many people who have been suffering from the coronavirus. The death cases have increased a lot from 2019 to 2020 compared to any other years. People were also unable to lead a good social life because of the pandemic. Therefore, there are many disadvantages with covid as people faced many problems with their personal and private life, but we need to remember that staying safe is the most important part. You will be grateful when it all ends and you’re happy rather than endangering yourself now.