Sex Trafficking
Obviously, there's a lot going on in the world. You may have seen certain websites list ongoing crises in the world, but we feel that sex trafficking is a global issue that goes under-reported in mainstream media.
Sex trafficking is defined by the Department of Homeland Security as a "modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain." Unsuspecting victims can be lured into a life of prostitution and sexual favors with the promise of love, a sense of security, job, education, etc., and it's more common than you think. Around 21 million people are traded worldwide in this "commercial enterprise" into forced servitude.
Traffickers make a lucrative profit off of this- an Equality Now fact sheet claims that the trafficking industry generates around $99 billion globally. Women, men, and children alike are manipulated into this shadow world of deceit, treachery, and danger with little to no hope of a way out.
In India, a large percent of the population is left vulnerable to this practice, particularly disadvantaged social groups like members of low castes or tribes. Apne Aap is a NGO that offers a solution by reaching out to women "trapped in prostitution" and organizing "self-empowerment programs in Bihar, Delhi, and West Bengal, where we [board members] currently work with local communities." Apne Aap centers allow women to feel safe and sheltered from sex trafficking, and we want to support this movement in any way that we can. We hope you feel the same.
We put together a GoFundMe for Apne Aap. No donation is too small; please help out in any way you can! Thank you so much for your support.