Acid Attacks
Throughout South Asia, the idea that males are higher in social standing and value, compared to females, is a thought shared among many. Because of this, they gain a superiority complex and tend to get hurt easily, as they’re pampered most of their lives by society and their families. This builds up as pettiness in their minds, and due to the fact that they get hurt easily, males tend to overreact when something small happens in their lives.
This toxic culture sets up catastrophic events in South Asian society, such as acid attacks. Acid attacks are one of South Asia’s largest societal issues. Because these males develop this superiority complex, they act out when women reject them. One of the major reasons that these acid attacks occur is because males in South Asia get rejected, either in romantic advances or marriage proposals, and take it to heart, thus lashing out on these poor women.
Acid is obtained easily through markets on the streets. Because it is so easily attainable for common buyers, those who buy it are not questioned about their use for it. When these males do use acid for revenge against these women, most of them are not reprimanded because oftentimes, they bribe officials and get let off with a small fine or warning. Because these men gain a superiority complex from society praising them, they feel more control over a woman’s appearance, and when he taints it, it creates this sense of control over everyone, especially women.
Although legislation has been attempted to be formed, not much is being handled in terms of these attacks. Because South Asian society praises these men, they suffer no consequences for their actions. We need to make more people aware of the detrimental effects that acid attacks have on women in South Asia and take steps necessary towards helping these women build their futures.