How do you overcome imposter syndrome? I was in a workshop a few years ago that had a step-by-step plan to overcome imposter syndrome. I still have the worksheet pinned to my bedroom walls at home. But it’s never worked, I don’t think it ever will. I think I have so much to applaud myself for and to allow myself to be proud of, but I can’t bring myself to that stage. One day I go from winning a Hackathon challenge, to the next failing my Data Structures exam. It’s almost soul-crushing how quickly imposter syndrome can take over.
I never feel like what I do is worth anything. Over the past few years, especially. Going to Rutgers, I expected it to be a reformed version of high school with healed people and no competition. Yet, somehow it feels like I’m transported to the same hallways again. I always have the constant need to compete with everyone around me in terms of academics, internships, jobs. I don’t even think I actually want to do anything I’m doing right now. I’m an IT major because of an old friend. I'm pursuing my masters for my grandparents. I'm scrounging to find an internship for my dad. What am I doing for myself?