In the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, the costume seemed to be an important aspect of the play, besides the basic plot and cast. Usually, in an English class, we were told to write about the importance of the plot, the content of the book we read. Yet, the costume stood out to me, eventually leading to my developed interests as a fashion designer.
In the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, one component of Hermia’s modernized costume would be simple makeup. Helena was always jealous of how Hermia didn’t have to put any effort, but still had Demetrius in love with her. Not much effort is put into simple makeup, just like how not much effort was put into having Demetrius fall in love with Hermia. Helena wanted Hermia to teach her what she did to make Demetrius fall in love with her. Helena was convinced that if she looked like Hermia, she would be able to win Demetrius’ heart. She was insecure about her own features and considered Hermia perfect.
Another part of Hermia’s modernized costume from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare would be a rose in her hair. It would be in her hair because Hermia is a very calm and peaceful person, and the rose in her hair would emphasize her gentle and welcoming personality. In the play, Theseus talks about Hermia’s virginity, and how it would wither alone if she became a nun.The rose’s beauty would still not be wasted, so it wouldn’t wither. Theseus’ statement was an example of imagery in the play. Thus, a part of Hermia’s costume that would fit her character in the modern day in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare is a rose in her hair. Hermia’s modernized costume represented how she didn’t put a lot of effort yet was determined enough to marry Lysander. The white dress showed her love for Lysander while the simple makeup showed how little effort was needed for Demetrius to be in love with her. Helena was jealous of this. The rose symbolized her virginity and showed how Hermia chose to marry, so her beauty would not have gone to waste. The rose would have only withered if she became a nun. The costume had a light theme to it, which was positive, showing how Hermia was always confident and determined. All these essential aspects of costumes that contributed to the importance of the plot and play is interesting to me. It helped me expand my curiosity to how important and unique fashion really is as it reflects upon people.