Why? Why? Why? Why? Bullet. A single word. Yet so ominous. A mass shooting Common.
Why? Why? Why? Why? It’s a cycle. Cycle of tragic events that continue to happen.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Mass shooting. Thoughts and prayers. Mourning. PR Stunts. Debates.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Yet no change. Simply more deaths, more devastation.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Lack of gun laws. Lack of humanity. Lack of innocence and purity.
Last goodbyes. Last thoughts. Last hugs. Last relationships and love. Last kisses. Last smiles.
Dreams gone. Wishes gone. Childhood gone. Love gone. Innocence gone. Lives gone.
There’s no justice. No fairness. No chance. No hope for mankind. Time has reversed back.
The world is deteriorating. Worsening. Losing all hope for the future. Ominous to ponder about.
Even after new developments, technology, evolution, laws. Is there rly change, hope, chance?
A chance for a better world? Without the fear of violence? Without knowing it’s your last day?
What have we done. What have we accomplished. What have we changed? Nothing.
Who knows? It’s all up to us to make a change. The question is. Will we do it?